Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm in Kenya!

Mandi made it to Kenya. I promised her I would update her blog & fb until she can.

It was a long flight and we are thankful that it is over.

She arrived in Nairobi around 7:30pm last night .. Nairobi time. It was 12:30pm our time here on the east coast. Her team leader met her there with a sign that said Mandi. Maureen her new friend also met her there and they were able to visit for about an hour.

She did call for a minute to say that she would stay in a host home and then travel to the village to help/volunteer in the orphanage.

By now she should be in the village. Thank you for praying. Keep praying and please leave her a comment. I know it would encourage her.

Not sure when she will be able to update. There is no service in the village.

To God be the glory.....

Mandi's mom~ Teena

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm leaving on a jet plane!!!

Well, todays the day!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I will have little access to the internet while I am oversees but my mom and I will be in contact so if I need her to post an update for me she will. :)

Thank you to all the people who have given towards this trip. All the needs have been met and I am eternally grateful. I have been in contact with my team leaders and many doors have opened. I have the amazing opportunity to stay longer than planned. Lord willing, I will make the arrangements when I arrive in Kenya. :)

I have waited for this day for a very long time and I am so happy and at peace that God has called me to spread His word across the nations. :)

If you would like to know specific details while I am in Kenya, you can contact my mom by going to her blog link on the side of my page. :)

I will update this blog when I can. :) Thanks again and God Bless!! :)


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almost there!!!

Hello again,

Well, 9 days from now I will be on a plane to Africa! God has graciously supplied all my needs and desires and I am overwhelmed with the love he pours out on me everyday. :)

I will have one final event this douglas for Kenya. After that, I will finish my last little bit of school work, say goodbye to my family and fly away! :) I am so excited that God has allowed me this opportunity and I pray that it will be an event I will never forget. :)

Please know that I will have internet access about 2 or 3 times a month. I will post updates on this blog more than I will on fb. :)

Thanks to everyone who has prayed and supported me. God Bless!

The day I leave will be the last time I post. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

To All the Above.............

I usually don't post this often because life is so crazy right now. But, I have had a lot of people ask me different questions about Africa. So, I thought I would go ahead and post the answers for everyone and cover all the basics. :)

I will be flying out on the 25th of this month. My plane ticket is roundtrip and will have me flying back into the states on Oct. 15th. If all goes according to plane, I will be working in a Orphanage and helping out around the city and hopefully the slums. I will have the awesome opportunity to tour Lake Victoria and go on a real Safari in the African Jungle. :) I have heard that one can extend their plane ticket for as little as $50. If God leads and that is true, I will be extending my flight until December if I can arrange everything with my team leaders. :)

As of today, God has graciously supplied all the money needed for my trip. :) I'm overjoyed that He has allowed me to embark on this amazing and somewhat scary adventure. :)

Lord willing, I will have internet service several times a month to update this blog and let all of you know how things are going. :) If you would like to contact me while I'm there, you can comment on my posts or find me on fb under Mandi M. Price

Please be in prayer for me as I follow God's call to the biggest dream of my life. I will post 2 or 3 more times before flying out.

Thank you and God Bless :))

P.s. If you want me to bring you a picture of a certain thing, please let me know. I will be purchasing a new camera for Africa tomorrow. :) I will have plenty of space for pictures. ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

When Satan Tries to Make You Quit!

Where to begin..... Since deciding to follow God's call to Africa, Satan has been ever present! My car has just about had it, my finances are on the edge, and my health is fading. :( Satan would love nothing more than for me to give up and say forget it!

But trust me, that's not going to happen. I know that with surrender comes suffering. I haven't known that for long but I definitely know it now. lol But I also know, that when I have had all I can handle, God comes in to save the day!

Africa is the place, and now is the time. If God is for me, who can be against me? Satan, come and get me! :)

Just as an encouragement for anyone out there struggling, God is bigger than you will ever attempt to be. Trust Him! Let him take control of your life. Satan will hate you for it, but believe me, it will be the best decision of your life! :)

Also, just for random sake, God has really been working with me on singleness. I have come to the conclusion that now is not the time for me to be in a relationship. My life is called to missions and my heart is set on Africa. Until that changes, I'm going to enjoy being single. And I would advise any of you young women out there to do the same. God will bring your man when He is ready. Not when you think you are. :)

Once again, just some thoughts from a simple servant. Do with them what you want. :)

Psalm 56, and Psalm 18 :) For anyone who's interested.