Mandi made it to Kenya. I promised her I would update her blog & fb until she can.
It was a long flight and we are thankful that it is over.
She arrived in Nairobi around 7:30pm last night .. Nairobi time. It was 12:30pm our time here on the east coast. Her team leader met her there with a sign that said Mandi. Maureen her new friend also met her there and they were able to visit for about an hour.
She did call for a minute to say that she would stay in a host home and then travel to the village to help/volunteer in the orphanage.
By now she should be in the village. Thank you for praying. Keep praying and please leave her a comment. I know it would encourage her.
Not sure when she will be able to update. There is no service in the village.
To God be the glory.....
Mandi's mom~ Teena