Monday, August 23, 2010

School and Life

Today was a serious adventure. I found myself praying several times. lol I was very stressed out with school and I had so many people breathing down my neck. One student in my nutrition class had the nerve to ask me if I was going to change my mind and not go to Africa. At first, I was blown away by the question. But then, as I thought about it.....she wasn't a christian, she doesn't agree with people going oversees for long durations and shes not a fan of me and what I believe. So, all in all, just a way Satan tried to get me down.

I've made decent grades in school so far but my heart just isn't in it. I want to be in Africa so bad.

Even as I'm writing this, I find myself thinking of things I could have said to get back at that woman. But for what reason? If I really would have spoken my mind, my testimony would have been damaged. As I think back, there were no words. Keeping my opinions to myself and simply replying, "Of course", was all I needed to say.

So, lesson of the day. Even when you want to, even when you feel there's no way to keep it in., most of the time, the best thing to do,as a woman,is keep your mouth shut. Let God be God. Let Him handle things you can't. Because when its all said and done. If you do open your mouth, chances are, the only person thats going to look bad, is YOU.

Just some thoughts, do with them what you want. :)

Have a great week!

Monday, August 9, 2010

And So It Begins!

Wow, where to begin? When I made this blog last year, I was fresh off a plane to Ukraine for a mission trip. The trip was awesome but knowing I had to face the normal everyday things again, wasn't looking great.
I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and I really didn't want to have to decide so quickly. I was 20 yrs. old, single and living at home.

1 yr. later......Still single, still living at home and still not sure what I want to do with my life. But, I have found that in the mist of all my struggles, one thing remains the same. God.

And somewhere between, longing for a husband & wanting so bad to be who God wants me to be. I found something. I can't really explain it. All I know is that despite my problems, He loves me. Despite my big mouth, He loves to hear my voice. And despite, my every complaint. He sees a broken vessel being made whole. :) Meet my Heavenly Father! :)

My life isn't perfect. The relationship I have with my earthly father is far from complete. But at the end of the day,I was made to Honor & Glorify my heavenly father. And Lord willing, I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen. Its never been easy. Trust me, its hard most of the time. But when you have the creator of the universe on your can't really go wrong. :) He may let you fall, but He will always be there to pick you up again. :)
Sometimes, He helps us weather the storm on our own. But other times, He chooses to dance with us in the rain. :)